Here's a newsletter with some good student information. But, remember that the latest information is available at
This Friday it’s The International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia. To mark this day, the University West, the Center for Sustainability in collaboration with RFSL Gothenburg, will host a seminar and panel discussion:
Homofobia and transfobia – Safer spaces but no safe space: Global, European and Swedish perspectives
When: Friday 17/5, 12.00-14.00 Where: Campus, J105
Read more.
If you publish your thesis on DiVA, then it will become available for others, to read and to download. You’ll thereby increase the visibility of your thesis.
Here you can find a guide.
A big congratulations to you who are graduating this spring! You who have completed a programme will soon ned to apply for a Degree Certificate.
In Sweden, you yourself must apply for the Degree Certificate for your programme.
Here you can find a guide.
The development of campus continues. Learn more about what's happening:
- Starting from June 3
On Monday June 3 the corridors G and H, floor 2-4, will close. This also includes the student canteen Hälsingland (H4) and the group study rooms G247, H229, H230, H309, H338a, H338b, H433a, och H112.
Here you can find other facilities on campus and group study rooms.
We are devloping to create more creative and inspiring environments for students. For example, new group rooms and other study areas, and apartments on campus grounds.
During the development, that will finish in the fall of 2025, it can get a bit messy on campus... But we will do our best to make it as smooth as possible!
Read more about the campus development.