Here's a newsletter with some good student information. We send these continuously during the academic year, but remember that the latest information is always available at
- You need to log in with your student account. So remember on your password! And don't forget to bring an ID.
- Where you will do your exam is posted on the screen in the KC corner, by the entrence to the H1 corridor. And on the screen by the cafe in the B building.
- Learn your way around campus or use the campus map.
- If you forgot to register, you can make a late registartion in the G2 corridor, on the same day as the exam. Late registration is avaibalbe if there's spots left.
You can read more here.
You didn’t miss that we’re developing campus, right? We want to create more creative and inspiring environments for students.
We’ll send out information and keep you posted. But you can also find the latest information here.