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University West
Högskolan väst

Hey students!

Brr! It's cold in here,
There must be some students,
In the atmosphere!

Here's a newsletter (and a Bring it on reference), that might be helpful in your studies. We send these continuously during the year, but remember that the latest information is available at hv.se/en/student



Drivhuset thinks that everyone who has a dream of developing an idea should be given the chance to do so – especially students! Visit Drivhuset at campus (room G247) with your idea, the staff are there to help you brainstorm and with practicalities throughout your entrepreneurial journey.

Get professional help with your product idea!

How do you sell in and test a product that doesn't exist? By 3D printing it of course!
Are you a resident of Trollhättan, younger than 35 and have entrepreneurial dreams? Take the chance to test your product idea for real.

Read more and apply (in Swedish).

Lunch seminar: How to write a spotless reference list

Learn the art of citing a reference. Get expert help on how to choose academic sources to your writing assignments and how to make a spotless reference list.

When: 2 November, 12:15 - 12:45
Where: E203 or Zoom

More information.

Beginner Survey: Speak up!

For those of you who started studying this fall - don't miss answering this year's beginner survey! It helps us at the university welcoming new students even better in the future. Thanks in advance!

Take the survey here (change to English in the top right corner).

Meet our own SI ambassador

Meet IT and Management student Brian, from Kenya. He is an ambassador over at Study in Sweden, a public agency that lets students learn about Sweden. Their website has everything you need to know about studying in Sweden – including Brian’s blog!

We’re so happy to have an University West student representing the Swedish study experience on this platform. And we’re sure that it will inspire many to want to come to Sweden, and to Trollhättan.

Read Brians first blogpost here, and stay tuned for more!

Don't miss out!

Follow us on social media for the latest information, student tips and more!


University West

Contact us
Phone: 0520-22 30 00
Email: servicecenter@hv.se
Opening hours: Mon-Thurs: 8-16.30, Fri 8-16

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