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University West
Högskolan väst

Hey you!

Here's a newsletter, that might be helpful in your studies. We send these continuously during the year, but remember that the latest information is always available at hv.se/en/student

Person som använder en smartphone utomhus på vintern.

Tips for better information security

The amount of cyber attacks is increasing - therefore you need be extra careful! Here are some tips that can help.

  1. Use strong passwords & a password manager
  2. Always have updated software
  3. Do not fill out "fun forms" on social media with information about yourself
  4. Do not scan unknown QR codes
  5. Be careful with your emails and do not download attached documents if you are unsure of the content
  6. Use anti-virus software
  7. Think about what you share on social media

Here you'll find more information.

Book a group study room

On campus there are several group rooms that you as a student can book, for group projects or to use as a place to sit undisturbed and study.

Read more about how to book at room.


Activate your West Card

To open a booked group room, to borrow books or to enter the campus on the weekend, you need a Västkort. It must also be activated!

Read about the West Card and how to activate it.

Flygplan på landningsbanan vid solnedgång.

Study abroad with ISEP

Via ISEP, you can study for a semester or a year at a university around the world - regardless of which program you study!

Read more about ISEP.

Application closes December 1st.

Lunch seminar: Learn about exchange studies!

Meet the International Office and learn more about exchange opportunitties and how to get the most out of your student time, with an international twist!

When: 16 nov., 12:15 - 12:45
Where: E203 or Zoom

More information.

GKN Aerospace-skylt framför företagets kontorsbyggnad på en klar dag.

Apply for the GKN Aerospace Scholarship!

Have you or someone else you know contributed to an innovative idea that could be of practical use to the university and industry? PS. That also includes other companies than GKN.

The GKN scholarship is awarded to a student or employee who has come up with innovative collaboration efforts in education, research and collaboration.

Read more and apply or nominate!

Apply before November 27th.

Save the date: Holidays Around the Globe Event

Join a christmas celebration, with a internatinoal focus! On the 12th of December at 16:00 in the Central café in building C.

Read more.

Don't miss out!

Follow us on social media for the latest information, student tips and more!


University West

Contact us
Phone: 0520-22 30 00
Email: servicecenter@hv.se
Opening hours: Mon-Thurs: 8-16.30, Fri 8-16

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