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University West


This news letter is sent to all students at University West. Remember that the latest information is always available at hv.se/en. There can be rapid changes so it is important to stay informed.

New decision from Vice-Chancellor: How does University West plan for the spring term?

Now we have reached halfway into the autumn term and the university's "mixed mode" with teaching both on campus and at a distance is slowly beginning to become the new "regular". During the meeting with the University's management group on Wednesday (October 21), Vice-Chancellor made a decision on how the spring's teaching should be planned. The same priorities apply as for the autumn, but with two additions:

- Programmes and courses with international students are prioritized to be on campus.

- For study social reasons, all student groups should be given the opportunity to have teaching on campus on at least a couple of occasions during the term.

An university-wide process is underway to solve the puzzle of how we can do this.
We will get back to you with more information as soon as possible.

Once again, we would also like to take this opportunity to remind you that we must still take our own responsibility for not spreading the virus. Stay home if you have even the slightest symptom

If you have any questions, please contact your teacher.

Hi Martin Hellström, Vice-Chancellor

Now we are in the middle of the autumn term. How do you think it works?

-Mixed format with teaching both at a distance and on campus works well thanks to talented employees and students. But I fully understand that the situation is frustrating for many students who to a large extent have to continue studying from home. We all want to be able to return to a more normal situation with campus operations.

What is your message to the students?

-Hold on, better times will come, I am convinced. We must overcome this virus by taking responsibility and sticking to the recommendations with social distance, hand washing, not coming to campus if you have cold symptoms and so on.

What does it look like in the spring, will there be any change?

-We continue in the same way, with a few adjustments, according to the Vice-Chancellor´s decision that was just hammered out. First-year students are given priority as well as teaching that is not possible to conduct at a distance. However, we have complemented this by adding the ambition for all education to be able to have some teaching opportunities on campus during the spring. It is important to be able to contribute to breaking the isolation that many students feel, but in a responsible way. A university-wide process is underway to solve the puzzle of how we can do this. In addition, we have added that international students should be given preference for campus teaching.

University West

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