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Sweden's role in future production

will be highlighted at SPS2024

In a recent article, Production2030 emphasizes Sweden's strong potential to lead the way in sustainable transformation, given its role as a major exporting country in production.

- The Swedish Production Symposium is a unique and valuable opportunity for various sectors to discuss, address, and tackle the challenges facing the production industry. I encourage everyone involved in the industry to participate, says Cecilia Warrol, program director of Production2030.

Read the article (in Swedish)

Highlights in Tomas Böllinghaus

keynote presentation

Thomas Böllinghaus is Head of the Department Component Safety at the Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM).

What is the main message of your presentation at SPS2024? 

- The technologies, for new energy carriers, especially hydrogen and ammonia will need adopted production technologies, regarding welding processes and selection of materials, and associated to this, fast, easy and smart test techniques

What do you consider to be the industry's biggest challenge for the future?

- To adopt current production and manufacturing systems to the changes in the energy sector.

What are your expectations for the conference?

- To gain an overview of new production technologies that are even better adopted to the needs industry.


"Don't miss SPS2024!

The main conference on future production"

Joel Andersson, chair of Swedish Production Symposium 2024, welcomes you to participate!

Check out the programme!

Last chance to register!

Registration closes tomorrow April 9



Forgot to book hotel room?

Stay within comfortable walking distance to campus. You have several hotels and other accommodations to choose from in Trollhättan. 


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