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University West
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Hej to all students at University West!

This will be the last newsletter this semester, and we would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a wonderful summer! A big congratulations to those of you who are now finishing your studies and graduating – well done!

Degree certificate

Students who have completed a Programme at University West and have fulfilled the requirements can apply for a Degree Certificate. In Sweden, the Degree Certificate for your programme is not issued automatically when you have completed the studies.

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Welcome to our new exam hall!

On May 25 between 2 pm and 5 pm, you are welcome to visit our new examination hall, B104. You can also take the opportunity to test Inspera, the new system for digital exams, and talk to us who are involved in the Digital examination project.

Read more about the project

Clarification regarding ChatGPT and cheating

In order to avoid misunderstandings among especially teachers and students, here is clarifying information regarding a disciplinary matter that figured in the media.

Six months have passed since the launch of the AI chatbot Chat GPT. The tools create opportunities - but also cause concerns for the country's universities. It is the disciplinary boards at the universities that handle cases of suspected cheating/plagiarism by students. Just recently, we had a case of suspected AI cheating.

A teacher had reacted to a student's assignment, which seemed too linguistically advanced. The teacher then reviewed the text using a detection tool, which gave a high result. When a qualified analyst at the university used the same tool for the same text, she also got a high score. But when the analyst later tested other tools, she got different results.

- The tools could not be trusted and I explained this to the board, which concluded that the assessment could not rest on such evidence, says Anna-Maria Blomgren, qualified analyst at the University West.

Thus, the university has not failed any student due to AI cheating.


University West

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Email: servicecenter@hv.se
Opening hours: Mon-Thurs: 8-16.30, Fri 8-16

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