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University West
Högskolan väst

Hej to all students at University West!

This newsletter is sent to you who are a student at University West. It contains general information, tips and support about your studies. Specific information about your particular education can always be found in the learning platform Canvas.

Check out our Virtual campus 

To attract new students, University West is investing in new technology. A long-term goal of greater digital presence has been accelerated during the pandemic when we have not been able to invite to events on campus. Therefore we are now launching a virtual campus to be able to give an idea of what it is like to study at our University.

Check out our Virtual campus here (in swedish)

Public access to campus is restricted

The campus is still open and accessible to students and staff who, for various reasons, must be on site.

However, accessibility on campus for the public will be limited for a period to come. The public will only have access to Restaurant Västan and the library.

The public is welcome to the library, Restaurant Västan and Centralcaféet during their opening hours.

Other areas are kept locked (Västkort is required to enter).

Guards will be at the premises between 11 am and 5 pm.



Here you find opening hours

University West

Contact us
Phone: 0520-22 30 00
Email: servicecenter@hv.se
Opening hours: Mon-Thurs: 8-16.30, Fri 8-16

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