This year we start the conference with an icebreaker event on the evening of November 16 in Gamla Biskopshuset in Lund. A change from previous years is that Polarforum will be held entirely in English. We do this to reach a larger audience, especially doctoral students who get more space in this year's program. Registration opens in April 2022 and we will also provide the opportunity for a limited number of doctoral students to get their trip paid to participate in Polarforum.
More information about the event will be posted on this page in the spring, including a registration form:
The ArcOP expedition, which was planned for August-September 2022, is unfortunately postponed for two to three years. The reason is uncertainties regarding safety issues with the implementation of the ArcOP expedition.
Read more on ECORD's website:
What is the abundance, diversity, growth rate and respiration of bacteria and archea in the Arctic Ocean ecosystem? This is the question Johan Wikner, Professor in Ecology at Umeå University, and his team studied during the Synoptic Arctic Survey 2021 expedition with the icebreaker Oden.
Three Antarctic organisations have announced opportunities for early-career professionals.
The Council of Managers of National Antarctic Programs (COMNAP), the International Association of Antarctica Tour Operators (IAATO), and the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) work together to support talented early-career researchers, scientists, engineers, environmental managers, and other professionals. The purpose is to strengthen international capacity and cooperation in fields such as climate, biodiversity, conservation, humanities and astrophysics research by providing annual funding opportunities.
Polar Researchers in Sweden is a public, searchable list that shows the breadth of Swedish polar research. The list is growing, but we would like to see more polar researchers join!
The list:
Registration: |